HKAATA一直深信治療動物為我們的工作伙伴,非工具。把動物引入助人專業工作中,需要全面的知識、坦誠的自省及明確的指引。協會於2016年與台灣及日本相關動物輔助服務機構共同草擬及釐定 Code of Practice (Animal Welfare) in Animal Assisted Intervention*(治療動物福利守則及指引),著力將理念化作實踐,確保在進行治療動物的生理及心理需要受重視及保護。例子:
“The therapy animal and its handler must receive accreditation from qualified personnel, must be assessed according to international standards, and must be proven to be physically and mentally appropriate to take part in Animal Assisted Intervention.”
“Animals should be given reasonable and sufficient breaks as well as a time-limit for service (duration, intensity and frequency).”
“Use positive and reinforcement-based techniques to nurture / train the therapy animal.”
“AAI practitioners and handlers must receive basic training and supervision on handling animal behavior.”